Saturday, July 9, 2016

Worldwide Theatre Protest: 'Me Before You' Paints Dangerous Picture of Disabled Life


"It was heartening at our protests to receive
so much support from moviegoers and passersby."
Every evening for the past month, you’ve been able to watch me get euthanized at the Regal Fenway Stadium 13. Not to worry, it’s my choice, and neither fantastic wealth nor mutual love with a beautiful woman dissuade me.

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Assisted Suicide Bill Dies in Committee!

From Second Thoughts, Massachusetts, People with Disabilities Opposing the Legalization of Assisted Suicide:

Today, the Joint Committee on Public Health, of the Massachusetts Legislature, "declined to advance H.1999 the latest assisted suicide bill, H 1991, euphemistically titled 'An act affirming a terminally ill patient's right to compassionate aid in dying.' Disability rights advocates, along with representatives from medicine and members of the public, testified and lobbied against the bill."

The written testimony of Margaret Dore, president of Choice is an Illusion, is summarized below:
H.1991 is similar to Ballot Question 2, which was defeated by a vote of the people in 2012. This memo and its attachments discuss why H.1991 is a recipe for elder abuse. Passage will also cause family trauma, and encourage people with years to live to throw away their lives....  Even if you are for the concept of assisted suicide, H.1991 is the wrong bill.
Thank you to everyone who helped make this defeat possible!

Please consider a generous donation to Second Thoughts, Choice is an Illusion or your local group fighting against the legalization of assisted suicide and euthanasia.

We are need your support!

Choice is an Illusion

Monday, October 26, 2015

Dore Letter to Joint Committee on Public Health

I am a lawyer in Washington State where assisted suicide is legal.  I am also president of Choice is an Illusion, a nonprofit corporation opposed to assisted suicide and euthanasia. 

H.1991 is a promoted as assuring patient control, which it doesn't do.  Key problems include the following:

  • Someone else is allowed to speak for the patient during the lethal dose request process. 
  • The term, "self-administer," allows someone else to administer the lethal dose to the patient 
  • There is no oversight at the death: Even if the patient struggled against administration, who would know?
  • The death certificate is required to be falsified to reflect a natural death, which prevents perpetrators from being prosecuted even in a straight up murder for the money.
In short, the bill allows the perfect crime.

Here is a link to my memo explaining the bill's problems in more detail.  Even if you are for the concept of assisted suicide, H.1991 is the wrong bill. 

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Margaret Dore, Esq., MBA
Law Offices of Margaret K. Dore, P.S.
Choice is an Illusion, a nonprofit corporation
1001 4th Avenue, Suite 4400
Seattle WA  98154

Dore Memo Opposing H.1991

H.1991 is similar to Ballot Question 2, which was defeated by a vote of the people in 2012.  This memo and its attachments discusses why H.1991 is a recipe for elder abuse.  Passage will also cause family trauma, and encourage people with years to live to throw away their lives.  There are other problems.  Even if you are for the concept of assisted suicide, H.1991 is the wrong bill.

Margaret Dore